Article from my LinkedIn actually. Simple write up for simple people : FUTURE OF WORK Whether we like it or not the FUTURE IS ALREADY HERE TODAY. Things relate to Digitization actually is not something new. Way back in 2004 when I'm still with Motorola we've been talking about Digitization and how to make things better relates to HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT. At that time we are technically work from anywhere already using simple things like Boradband, 2.5G Technology, IT stuffs like online approval, emails and Conference Call since VC at that time still something that quite expensive. Last few years in Malaysia, we started to talk about IR 4.0 and the tsunami of technology and also about Gig Economy. But my worry is, many organizations and leaders STILL keep on saying that we are not ready as an organization. Actually, when we are suppose to get ready when THE FUTURE IS ALREADY HERE ? Based on Deloitte, IHS Markit, Intuit 2020 Report and WDR 2016 surveys / studies / report ther...